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Useful Information about Internet


The Internet is a collection of millions of computers around the world that are all connected to one another. It is a global network of computers. These computers are connected through different telecommunications links like:
  • Phone lines 
  • Fiber optics lines
  • Satellites and  wireless connections
 Internet is used to find information stored on computers called hosts or servers. These computers use a common protocol called TCP / IP for communication. TCP / IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol.  
 No government or organization is the owner of the Internet. Many people, organizations, universities and research agencies participate to run the Internet. Everyone who has access to the Internet can get information from the Internet. Millions of people have access to the Internet.

Uses Of  Internet:

  Some uses of the Internet are as follows:
  •  To access information, news, research, and educational material
  • To conduct business
  • To access sources of entertainment such as online games, magazines etc.
  • To shop for goods and services
  • To meet and talk with people around the world in discussion groups or chat rooms 
  • To access other computers and exchange files
  • To send messages and receive messages from other connected users 

Working Of Internet:
The Internet is a collection of millions of computers. These computers are linked together on a computer network. The network is used by the computers to communicate with one another. A personal computer can be connected to the Internet by using phone lies, DSL or cable modem. These devices communicate with the server of Internet service provider. A user computer is usually connected with ISP using phone line. ISPs are
connected to larger ISPs. Several main transmission media carry the heaviest amount of traffic on the Backbones are connected through fiber optic lines, submarine cables or satellite links.In this way, every computer on the Internet is connected to every other computer. The computers connected to the Internet exchange data and information using servers and clients.A client computer accesses data, information and services from different servers. The server computers are also called host computers.

Positive aspects of Internet in Society:
The positive effects of the Internet in the society are as follows:
  • Globalization :
Internet has converted this world into a global village. People are connected with one another using the Internet.
  • Flow of Information:
Internet contains information on all types of topic.People can search information on any topic.Search engines are used to search information on Internet.
  • Better Understanding:
Internet is an easy way of communication among people. They can exchange their views. It has created better understanding. People can understand the views and thinking of one another. It helps in creating harmony and peace in the world.
  • Comfort in life :
The use of the Internet has provided many comforts for society. People can perform their duties easily. They can sell and buy goods online. They can run their business using the Internet.
  • Knowledge:
Internet is a source of huge information. People can get information from websites.They can interact with different people, scholars and learned persons to get knowledge.

Negative aspects of Internet in Society:
Some important negative aspects of the use of the Internet in our society are as follows:
  • Immorality:
Internet contain a large number of immoral websites. These websites contains such material that is against the moral values of our society. These websites are damaging the character of young people.
  • Security Problems:
Internet has created many security problems such as hacking. The hackers access data stored on computers across the Internet. They can use this data illegally or even destroy it. Hackers also damage different websites and delete their contents.They also retrieve critical data of different organizations and governments.
  • Viruses:
Internet is the most important source of spreading computer viruses. People spread viruses using the Internet and emails. Many websites also contain different viruses that are copied to the computers when the users visit these websites.
  • Wastage of Time:
Many people use the Internet with no positive purpose. The young people waste time in chatting. It affects the performance and makes them inefficient.
  • Cyber Crime:
Internet is a source of many cyber crimes. People use the Internet for negative activities. They hack the credit card numbers of the people and use them for shopping. Some people use the Internet to spread illegal and immoral material.


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