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Characteristics Of Computer


What is Computer:
 Computer is an electronic machine used to solve different problems according to a set of instructions given to it. A computer can accept data,process data into useful information and store it for later use. The word computer is derived from compute that means to calculate. Computer can be used as a calculating machine to produce results at a very high speed. People use computers to solve different problems quickly and easily.

 Characteristics of Computer
 The important characteristics of a computer are as follows:
  1. Speed
  2. Reliability
  3. Accuracy
  4. Storage
  5. Versatility
  6. Consistency
  7. Communication
  8. Recalling
  9. Control Sequence
  10. Cost Reductions.

 1. Speed:

Computer processes data at a very high speed. It is much faster than human beings. A computer can perform billions of calculations in a second. Computer speed is measured in Mega Hertz (MHz) or  Giga Hertz (GHz). For example, the process of multiplying 750 and 927 can take one or two minutes if it is performed by human beings. However, a computer can perform millions of such calculations within a second.
2. Reliability:

 Computer is very reliable. The electronic components in modern computer rarely break or fail.
Accuracy means that the computer provides results without any errors.Computer can process large amounts of data and produce results accurately. The result can be wrong only if the data given to the computer is not correct. Suppose the average marks of a class are required. There can be a chance of mistake in the result if it is performed by human beings. However, a computer can produce this result very accurately and quickly.

Computer can store a large amount of data permanently.People can use this data at any time. The user can store any type of data in the computer. The storage capacity of computer is increasing rapidly. A computer can store thousands of books easily.
Computer is a versatile machine. It can perform different types of tasks. That is why it is being used in every field of life. Computer is used in hospital, bank, office and at home. A user can play games, listen to music, watch movies and use the Internet using a computer.
6. Consistency:
Computer works in a consistent way. It does not lose concentration due to heavy work. It does not become tired or bored. Computer performs all jobs with equal attention.
7. Communication:

Most computers today have the capability of communicating with other computers. We can connect two or more computers by a communication device such as modem. These computers can share data, instruction, and information. The connected computers are called network. We can communicate with other people in the world using network like Internet.

8. Recalling
A computer can recall the stored data and information as and when required. The data stored in the computer can be used at later time. The computer can recall the required data in a few seconds.

9. Control Sequence:
A computer works strictly according to the given instructions. It follows the same sequence of execution that is given in a program.

10.Cost Reductions:
We can perform a difficult task in less time and less cost.For example, we may have to hire many people to handle an office.The same work can be performed by a single person with the help of computer. It reduces the cost.

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